
Healthy Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Healthy Avocado and Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Healthy Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wraps

If you know me, I’m always up for trying out healthy recipes without really compromising on the taste. Plus this is a super quick meal – so I’m already in love with it! 

This Avocado Chicken Salad wrap is perfectly flavored, delicious and healthy – and trust me, you won’t mind switching out your regular salad dressing such as Mayo or ranch for some healthy Avocado!

Healthy Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Sidenote: Please don’t hate me for saying this, but I have never really been a Mayo person. So this recipe doubled my happiness! But even if you are a Mayo fan, I’m sure you will love it too!

This is also great for using some of that leftover chicken from last night. All you have to do is mash up a ripe Avocado, put in boiled chicken pieces and a little bit of seasoning –

Did I say that it’s already done? Yup!

Put it in a tortilla or lettuce and you have a delicious and healthy lunch ready under minutes. You can even make it into a sandwich! When the hubs tasted it he was pleasantly surprised with it and told me to give him for work the next day. This made me happy since I know he is going to eat a healthy meal.

Plus you save on your lunch meal!

So here’s the super easy recipe –

Healthy Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wraps


  • 1. Romaine Lettuce - 6
  • 2. Boiled Chicken Breast - 2
  • 3. Ripe Avocado -1 (peeled and pitted)
  • 4. Garlic Powder - 1 tbsp
  • 5. Lime Juice - 1 tbsp
  • 6. Salt & Pepper - as per taste


  1. Take a ripe avocado and mash it with a fork. Add garlic powder, lime juice, salt & pepper in it and mix it well. Cut the boiled chicken into small pieces and add it in the avocado.
  2. Before serving put this mixture in individual lettuce leaves. You can even put the avocado and chicken mixture in the refrigerator for about half an hour if you want to eat a chilled version of the wrap.
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Avocado Chicken Lettuce Wraps - Clean Eating

A perfect and refreshing meal for school or work, especially during spring and summer – this recipe is a sure-shot crowd pleaser! If you haven’t already made something similar, go ahead and try it out!

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*Recipe inspired from Whole & Heavenly Oven


Smiling Notes



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